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Embody your Power



My name is Maria, and I am so grateful spirit led you to me.


This space aims to contain and support individuals who are evolving into their next level.

Your next level is a version of you that has achieved what you desire most.

Your next level is easeful, it comes naturally, it unfolds with grace.

If you are here, you are ready to integrate and become the fullest, most self-actualized version of yourself. The most empowered version of you.

Your life is a reflection of what you believe, what you feel, and where your energy lies. Most people are creating from belief systems of which they are not consciously aware. They move in the world without checking in with their internal, infallible compass-their emotions. They do not practice habits that support their nervous systems. As a result of their disconnect, their energy is restricted and therefore what they experience in their world is not what they desire. In fact, most people feel that having what they want is difficult to come by unless it is handed to you.

This perspective is a boldfaced lie. I can tell you with confidence that you are the definitive protagonist of your life, and you choose your life.

I have cultivated a space where you can see what you are creating and discover where you want to be. In my containers, you grow your power and create from that place. My work is for visionaries who are ready to experience life in their highest possible frequency, and share their magic with the world. 

I have helped hundreds of individuals discover their unique gifts and supported them in offering their gifts to the world. My clients develop their intuition, create processes and provide support for others in fields such as coaching, psychotherapy, marketing, sustainability, fundraising, art, law, tech, and finance.

Raising your energetic frequency creates more capacity for wealth. I code clients for wealth expansion through my energy work. My clients often create hundreds to hundreds of thousands of income after working with me.

Tapping into your infinite creative capacity is a major focus of much work. Through my energy work and a unique process, I support clients in unlocking the formula that supports their highest creative output.

Whether its growing your intuition, establishing your practice, discovering your gifts, or expanidng your creativity or your wealth, I would love to support your journey.

E. S.

"Working with Maria helped me start my quantum jump into a reality that I have always dreamed of. I am so so grateful for this transformation she helped me achieve."

My clients have transformed their lives, businesses, bodies, and relationships. My clients have:

Gotten pregnant after months of trying to conceive and after multiple miscarriages

Cleared patterns that blocked their next massive income goal (over $100K months)

Created courses and attracted clients

Redirected and started new businesses

Attracted their dream jobs and subsequent moves to new, exciting cities

Established deeper trust in their partners

Healed disordered eating habits

Eliminated toxic relationships

Experienced unbending clarity and confidence, and more

My goal is to create a container for my clients to transform in seemingly impossible ways​. This work is a gift, to me and to my clients.

If you are ready to watch your life transform and grow, work with me.



And start your healing journey now!

Just share your name and email below and you will receive an email from me soon with your worksheets!

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